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bellum gallicum,liber septimus Lektion 12,13
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Anmeldungsdatum: 02.11.2006
Beiträge: 5

BeitragVerfasst am: 25. Nov 2006 14:46    Titel: bellum gallicum,liber septimus Lektion 12,13 Antworten mit Zitat

Hätte vllt jemand die passenden Überstezungen zu diesen
Lektionen,aber bitte nicht frei übersetzt!
Dankeschön Kai
PS:Vielleicht findet jemand ja noch Stilmittel in diesen sätzen Hilfe

Anmeldungsdatum: 02.11.2006
Beiträge: 5

BeitragVerfasst am: 25. Nov 2006 17:16    Titel: Also das ist der Text auf Lateinisch Antworten mit Zitat

[12] Vercingetorix, ubi de Caesaris adventu cognovit, oppuguatione destitit atque obviam Caesari proficiscitur. Ille oppidum Biturigum positum in via Noviodunum oppugnare instituerat. Quo ex oppido cum legati ad eum venissent oratum ut sibi ignosceret suaeque vitae consuleret, ut celeritate reliquas res conficeret, qua pleraque erat consecutus, arma conferri, equos produci, obsides dari iubet. Parte iam obsidum tradita, cum reliqua administrarentur, centurionibus et paucis militibus intromissis, qui arma iumentaque conquirerent, equitatus hostium procul visus est, qui agmen Vercingetorigis antecesserat. Quem simul atque oppidani conspexerunt atque in spem auxili venerunt, clamore sublato arma capere, portas claudere, murum complere coeperunt. Centuriones in oppido, cum ex significatione Gallorum novi aliquid ab eis iniri consili intellexissent, gladiis destrictis portas occupaverunt suosque omnes incolumes receperunt.

[13] Caesar ex castris equitatum educi iubet, proelium equestre committit: laborantibus iam suis Germanos equites circiter CCCC summittit, quos ab initio habere secum instituerat. Eorum impetum Galli sustinere non potuerunt atque in fugam coniecti multis amissis se ad agmen receperunt. Quibus profligatis rursus oppidani perterriti comprehensos eos, quorum opera plebem concitatam existimabant, ad Caesarem perduxerunt seseque ei dediderunt. Quibus rebus confectis, Caesar ad oppidum Avaricum, quod erat maximum munitissimumque in finibus Biturigum atque agri fertilissima regione, profectus est, quod eo oppido recepto civitatem Biturigum se in potestatem redacturum

Kann jemand damit was anfangen?BIttööö Hilfe Hilfe Hilfe Hilfe Hilfe Hilfe Hilfe Hilfe Hilfe Hilfe Hilfe Hilfe Hilfe Hilfe

Anmeldungsdatum: 28.03.2006
Beiträge: 1085
Wohnort: Bremen

BeitragVerfasst am: 25. Nov 2006 19:17    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Wie ich vermute, vor allem in Zusammenhang mit deinem anderen Thread, denkst du, dass das dein Klausurtext werden könnte, gell?
Also wir sind hier eigentlich nicht dafür da, um anderen die Arbeit abzunehmen. Versuche doch einfach erstmal selber, das zu übersetzen, dann wird sich bestimmt jemand finden, der dir bei Problemen hilft und einen Vorschlag korrigiert. Ansonsten besorg dir halt ne bilinguale Reclamausgabe davon, die sind nicht allzuteuer, wenngleich natürlich nicht immer ganz wörtlich.

MfG Goldenhind

Falls du des englischen mächtig bsit, könnte dir auch das hier helfen:

"XII.--Vercingetorix, when he ascertained the arrival of Caesar, desisted
from the siege [of Gergovia], and marched to meet Caesar. The latter had
commenced to besiege Noviodunum; and when ambassadors came from this
town to beg that he would pardon them and spare their lives, in order
that he might execute the rest of his designs with the rapidity by which
he had accomplished most of them, he orders their arms to be collected,
their horses to be brought forth, and hostages to be given. A part of
the hostages being now delivered up, when the rest of the terms were
being performed, a few centurions and soldiers being sent into the town
to collect the arms and horses, the enemy's cavalry, which had
outstripped the main body of Vercingetorix's army, was seen at a
distance; as soon as the townsmen beheld them, and entertained hopes of
assistance, raising a shout, they began to take up arms, shut the gates,
and line the walls. When the centurions in the town understood from the
signal-making of the Gauls that they were forming some new design, they
drew their swords and seized the gates, and recovered all their men

XIII.--Caesar orders the horse to be drawn out of the camp, and
commences a cavalry action. His men being now distressed, Caesar sends
to their aid about four hundred German horse, which he had determined,
at the beginning, to keep with himself. The Gauls could not withstand
their attack, but were put to flight, and retreated to their main body,
after losing a great number of men. When they were routed, the townsmen,
again intimidated, arrested those persons by whose exertions they
thought that the mob had been roused, and brought them to Caesar, and
surrendered themselves to him. When these affairs were accomplished,
Caesar marched to the Avaricum, which was the largest and best fortified
town in the territories of the Bituriges, and situated in a most fertile
tract of country; because he confidently expected that on taking that
town, he would reduce beneath his dominion the state of the Bituriges."

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