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Pontius Privatus
BeitragVerfasst am: 08. Sep 2017 19:22    Titel: Werbung

Hallo Rayancaleb!

Nochmal und in aller Deutlichkeit: Dieses Forum ist keine Werbeplattform für irgendwelche Produkte und dient schon gar nicht als Mittel zwecks Produkt-Marketing. Unterlass bitte weitere Werbe-Aktivitäten!

Pontius Privatus
BeitragVerfasst am: 08. Sep 2017 16:40    Titel: Which Rome City Builder is best?


I stumbled across four different rome city building games just over an hour ago, those being
Caesar IV
Imperium Romanium
Grand Ages Rome
CivCity Rome
So I have to ask, as someone who loves city builders, which one of these four is the best? What are their strengths and weaknesses? The biggest thing I look for in a city builder is Replayability, Customization (you know, not building in a linear sense, allowing experimentation) and Liveliness. The last one in particular is a biggie, how alive is the world I build? Is it hollow? Do citizens, guards, politicians, etc interact with the environment/with other people? Or are they stale, predictable, and/or rare to find? Any feedback would be great.


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